A question that could change everything: Do you believe in love?

Really think about it: Do you believe in love?

A couple of years ago I had an interesting conversation with a young father.  We were talking about the heritage building he worked in. Just as part of the conversation I asked him how it made him feel, working in a place with so much history and emotion embedded into it.

"I'll believe it when I see it"

Whether he said it to ‘save face’ or counter-act me thinking he was weak or afraid, I’m not sure – I wasn’t thinking either – he responded, “Well, I only believe in what I can see”.

The first thing I thought of, and immediately asked him was: “Do you believe in love?”

As a father, he quickly responded, “Of course!” and then I said, “Ah, because you can see it?”  He just smiled at me, realising where I was headed, and our conversation took another turn.

Do you believe in love?

Whether you experience the exchange of the love as much as you desire is an unknown quantity. But the belief in it – that, that my friend, I’m pretty confident in saying the overwhelming answer will be “Yes”.

And that “Yes” will come from anyone, in any culture, in any belief system – whether you’re spiritual or religious, a scientific mind or skeptic  – love permeates everywhere.

So if we can’t see it, then how do we buy in to it? How do we believe in it?

Some may say it’s the concoction of chemicals produced in our bodies, which in turn make our cheeks blush, hearts pump faster, and stomachs churn.

Others may say, it’s our instinctual, primordial programming that ensures we procreate and protect – to perpetuate the existence of mankind.

And you know what, those are all valid, but it’s faulty.

If love was that simple, then we’d all be head-over-heels at every opportunity.  All the physical reactions, and the offspring of those actions, merely describes the proof that love exists.

The endorphins that rush our bodies aren’t itty-biddy loves in our bloodstream.  That physical stuff we feel are only indicators –reactions – to alert us that love is here or near.

You can pick up and bite into an apple or grab the handle to open the door to your house; but you cannot put a string on love and hand it to someone at the carnival.

Want to experience true love, always? You might be interested in reading “The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth” by Bruce H. Lipton to find out how we can have that blissful passion year-around! (If you’re in Australia, click here)

How do we know love is real?

Despite all this, you know it exists because you simply believe it is there. The actions you do, or don’t do, is a way to show that you love. It is not love itself. In the case of love, seeing isn’t the confirmation of its existence.

Your belief in it is its existence.

If we didn’t carry the torch for love, where would we be? What an amazing responsibility we have, to continue its existence through showing our love. Showing our love to those around us and to ourselves.

So, whether you agree with my view point or not, I have an important question to ask you…. do you believe in love?

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6 thoughts on “A question that could change everything: Do you believe in love?”

  1. Mya-Lia Sharizyn

    I have long believed that Love is a spirit that moves on its own, like the rain. It visits us, it moves out, it changes direction, all to our amazement because Love takes turns that we never expected. And we really have no control over it. Love is a very powerful spirit, and my belief is that it gets mad (or disappointed, etc) when people feel like they have control of it and can just push it around as though it doesn’t have knowledge of its own, a heart of its own, or preferences of its own. Because it does. When people don’t accept Love for the being that it is in that it is something sacred that has graced us with its presence, they do this by thinking they can create love, but Love is already in existence. They think they can force love on someone else by giving that person what they want, but Love might be felt within the giver and not with the receiver of what is being given – the goal should be to appreciate Love for being there with YOU, because Love is a gift in itself. These are some of my thoughts on The Spirit of Love, as I speak its name in this manner. -Mya

    1. Thank you so much for sharing this Mya, I resonate with “love is already an existence” beautiful! I appreciate you stopping by, keep spreading love & light in this world! Big love to you!

  2. Ms Carol A Chesser

    The Bible informs of the many levels of love. All real but conditional, depending on our level of vibration. When these conditions become apparent challenges ensue. What if we all strive to raise our vibration to unconditional love.WOW

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by Carol, and yes! Imagine we all raise our vibrations to unconditional love always – what a gorgeous, divine feeling and sight that would be! Let’s keep raising those vibrations, big love to you!

      1. Anjali Rani Sadh

        Hi Melissa
        I do believe in love
        Our vibrations risen when we have love inside. Moreover, I have seen the magical results in healing too done with love
        Love makes everything possible
        Gratitude is the form of love
        Grateful to you always 🙏

        1. “Love makes everything possible” – words that sing to my heart & soul! Thank you so much (again!) for stopping by and commenting Anjali, big love to you 🤗💗

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