
There are countless ways to arrive at the ‘correct’ destination. So follow your heart.

There are many ways to arrive… My students know, without a doubt, that I love quoting Wayne Dyer, “There’s your way. There’s my way. But there is no right way” at the start of each journey. I do this because it’s important we get over our egos and realise that our lives aren’t about conforming

There are countless ways to arrive at the ‘correct’ destination. So follow your heart. Read More »

Loving wholeheartedly comes with sharp edges, but it’s worth it.

Loving wholeheartedly is life in full colour Most of us, at some point in our lives, have loved wholeheartedly. Loving without condition, without judgement, and giving your all, irrespective of the outcome because you love wholly, that is loving wholeheartedly. Finding an instance of this in your life is often times attached to one’s childhood,

Loving wholeheartedly comes with sharp edges, but it’s worth it. Read More »

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