Take the pressure off yourself.

It's OK.

As healers, clients expect us to know everything! But sometimes, the answers aren’t meant for you – the healer – to interpret or relay. Or sometimes the answers aren’t meant for you to know.

Remember, each person on this beautiful planet is here on their own journey. That might be what they need to go through, right now. 

We each have our own path to walk.

And as frustrating and difficult it can be sometimes to watch people stumble, not know the right way, or get frustrated – sometimes we need to allow their journey to evolve the way its meant to – for them.

 If an easy path is always presented to someone, the ability to learn how to cope with future issues fades into the background. Why? Because you, the healer, will rescue them!

And whilst there is most definitely a time and place for our help, many times when we do healing sessions, we’re simply tapping over that first domino so the rest fall into place for your client. Then they take up the healing effort and move forward,  with you supporting and helping them along their way.

But other times, what can happen, is people will become reliant on you and forget that this is their journey. And that they have inner power, too.

So when you’re faced with a challenging situation as a healer, be it you don’t know what to do, you don’t have the answers, or the outcome wasn’t as you thought it should be.

Go within, meditate and ask yourself, “Is this meant to be this way?” and you’ll most likely find that yes, it is!

Whilst you able to help and bolster people along their healing journey, and whilst you are a light for others – to help them find their way – you aren’t the one meant to walk it for them.

I hope that’s helpful for you my sweet, fellow healers. And just remember: sometimes it’s OK to not know the answer.  Big love to you 🤗💗

PS. If you’re already a Reiki Master healer and find yourself overwhelmed with all the options you can take during a healing session, my Reiki Physical Body Systems Specialty course might help!

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