Is this for real?
Every so often I get asked, “is what you do [as in, energy healing] for real?” and I completely understand why someone would ask me that.
Much of our formal learning revolves around the “mechanical” world. And when I say “mechanical” I mean the “nuts and bolts” world, the world we touch and feel.
We’re taught how things work from a physical perspective, how to handle “real world” situations.
There's more out there.
We’re very rarely shown the underlying world of energy and how it pertains to us individually. As a result of this omission in our formal learning, unless we’re shown it or we discover it in our personal or home lives, many grow skeptical of its ability to do anything other than what they’ve been “mechanically” shown in school or on TV.
Despite it (energy) being taught in science class, energy’s underlying connection to who we are and how we develop is usually a passing comment, if touched on at all.
And what do I mean by that? That energy has a connection to who we are and how we develop?
I mean that we’re taught that energy brightens a light bulb; is stored in a battery; and is somehow sitting in food and converts to fuel for our physical body.
But its ability to be intelligently directed and used for our own internal benefit (beyond nutrition) sits on the fringes. So when someone asks, “Is energy healing real?” they are asking from a very innocent position (even if they are asking sarcastically).
As an aside, if you haven’t already read it, Bruce Lipton’s “The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles“ is a great introduction to our incredible energetic connection! (If you’re in Australia you can get a copy here)

Once you realise...
Once you realise that (1) there is an indescribable ‘source’ of all energy which permeates everywhere around us and throughout our known existence; and (2) that this infinite energy cannot be created nor destroyed, but it can change forms; and (3) that we are made up of this same energy – only then does the metaphorical penny drop.
You realise that if the potential energy which is stored in food can provide sustenance to our physical bodies, then the potential energy which is stored anywhere else can do the same.
When you feel love – without saying a word – and hug someone, they feel that love.
What happened there? You intended love into the energy of your body. You did it through thoughts and feelings. And you glowed with that love so much that when you directed your focus to someone, they received that same feeling. That’s energy. A “thought” is just another form of energy, just as a “feeling” is a form of energy.
How do you feel after someone has finally expressed and given you the love you sought?
Do you feel better? Sure.
Do you feel more whole? Yes.
Do you think that can heal? Of course it can.
When we really think about it...
All that I’m saying doesn’t mean that we can just “think” something and voila! Healing is done! (Although, there are great healers in our collective past who have been able to do this, but I digress – that’s no what this is about today!)
What I’m getting to today isn’t about “woo woo” wishful thinking. If and when we take the time to really look at what energy is – and what we are – we begin to realise this: everything is energy and that the
…entire process of healing involves (needs! requires!) energy.
In saying this, which type of energy is needed comes down to the need and severity of the situation.
Every stage of healing needs energy
An over-simplified example: If you’ve broken your leg, you need the energy of a surgeon to help set it right and apply a cast. But then you need to ingest the right energy to give your body the fuel to heal the wound. You then need to create the right energy in yourself (thoughts and feelings) to give yourself the right focus for your healing journey.
Every stage of the process requires energy, thus they are all forms of energy. They all work together. They are all the same, just conducted in different ways. Remember, energy cannot be created nor destroyed, it can only change forms.
So energy healing is real and it does work. It is simply one of the forms in which healing can be done.
I hope my musings today were thought provoking for some and re-affirming for others! No matter where you stand on this topic, I send you big love and joy always 🤗💗
Lovely message. Thank you for sharing the perspective.
Thank you so much Jason, I appreciate it! And you’re most welcome, keep shining sweet friend 🤗💗
Thank you 🧡
You are most welcome sweet soul, thank you for stopping by, big love 🤗💗
Wonderful to hear from you. Thank you for your wisdom 🙏
Thank you Christopher, I appreciate you stopping by! And you are forever welcome, big love to you 🤗💗
Thank you for this explanation. I get asked this question often and this information is going to help with my more sceptical challengers. Light and love Melissa 🌹💫💫💫
You are most welcome Tracy and I’m so glad this was helpful for you! Thank you for the good work you do in this world, big love always 🤗💗
When you feel and see what energy does, you know it’s real.
It can be so gentle to a full blown shift.
Thank you so much for stopping by Alan, and for sharing your thoughts – and I agree! The intensity can be anywhere on the scale for sure! Big love to you 🤗💗
Hi Melissa;
The quick answer to your question is an emphatic “YES” 😃 However, I want to share a revelation I very recently experienced that supports that answer.. Day before yesterday I was introduced to a procedure known as Cereset that can determine which areas of your brain are overactive and find a midpoint where it can restore it’s natural ability to harmonize and heal itself. It does this with the help of computer to read the state of four of your real time brain wave rhythms. It then converts them to specific engineered tones to feed back your unique brain echo that your brain recognizes and immediately makes the changes needed to operate more efficiently. With this is hand I deduced that if i set an intention in a self Reiki treatment for my brain to balance itself it would do just that. So, I did just that in my self healing session last night and This morning i was pleasantly surprised to see and feel significant reduction in symptoms of skin condition and systemic inflammation. What I think the difference is I was being to specific in setting intentions. Which goes to prove the adage, “Get out of the way and let your body do what it does best.” Sorry to run long but, I wanted you to hear this.
❤🙏🙏🙏, Richard , Sarnia, Canada
Oh bless, thank you so much for stopping by, sharing your thoughts and this incredible experience Richard! My heart is full of happiness for you, and pride in what you’ve achieved. I agree, when we get out of the way – when we let go and let love in – our divinity and incredible abilities rise to the surface! Thank you again and please, keep shining your light! Big love 🤗💗
Great video, and timely for me. One and a half years ago, my doctors found a benign tumor inside my head, one that has probably been causing me illness for years if not decades. They removed it nine months ago. Interestingly, my healing began before the surgery, and continued after the surgery.
During my extensive journey learning and practicing holistic health, I have learned the critical importance of developing along all seven dimensions of the chakra system that you teach elsewhere on this platform. You simply cannot separate physical health, emotional health, mental health, and spiritual health. They all must be addressed simultaneously for a complete healing to occur.
You have inspired me to share what I have learned. Thank you, teacher.
Thank you so much for stopping by Hal, and for sharing your incredible journey! And yes, you must align and bolster all those systems together for full, robust healing! You are forever welcome, keep shining your light sweet friend, big love 🤗💗