What do water, snowflakes and you have in common?

What do water, snowflakes and you have in common?

A whole lot my friend! But are you Frosty the Emotion-Man, a very happy soul?

I bet you’re wondering what in the world I’m going to talk about today, with my play on words for Frosty the Snowman, with Emotion-man.

Well, I’d actually like to carry on a little bit from my last post, Me Myself and I, where I exposed the importance of self talk…but today I’d like to introduce a body of water. Your body of water.

What's water got to do with it?

So how can I possibly connect the mundane world of water with your emotions? Stick with me here, I know you might be thinking, “Bor-ring!” but I promise it’s not going to be science class! Firstly, let’s recap a few known facts about water.

  • It has a smooth, refreshing taste. Meh.
  • It can change forms. Boring.
  • 71% of our planet is covered by it. School kid stuff.
  • We’re born 78% water. Kinda interesting.
  • Grown adults are about 55% – 60% water. Melissa, get your act together girl, or I’m outta here!
  • Positive and negative words change water’s physical composition when frozen. WOW!!
Dr. Masaru Emoto's "Fool" Water Crystal

Boring done, interesting commenced.

Okay, okay. So, the last fact is where my thoughts lie today. I’m tying together fact our bodies are at least half water, with the fact that water reacts to words (yes, I said water reacts to words!), then what happens to us when certain words are said, heard or seen by us?

Firstly, let’s think about how amazing water is for a moment. It freezes, thaws, boils, steams, pours, holds, moves, carries and stagnates. That’s pretty impressive for something we don’t think much about. And indeed these various forms are physical reactions to external stimuli.  So if water reacts to the everyday things I just mentioned, then it stands to reason it can react to other things too, like the words you say, hear or see.

She's gone crazy!

No, I have not gone crazy, I promise! Or at least I’m not alone in my craziness! The New York Times best-selling author Dr. Masaru Emoto has released countless books, including one called The Hidden Messages in Water, about his decades of research on exactly that – how water reacts to words.

In Emoto’s research, he impresses water (in a controlled setting) with a charged word or action, then freezes and photographs it to see how it reacted. He’s been able to repeat countless times that when exposed to positive words, lovely full-formed and symmetrical crystals form. While showing negative words or action creates a blob or splintered formations.

Because his research is well respected, and repeatable, it’s accepted that the energy that powers our words – even the thought of a word – can change the composition of water – therefore changing its frozen shape.

For example, when Emoto showed water the words ‘Love & Gratitude’ it created a pretty snowflake like crystal; however, when he showed it negative words like ‘You Fool’, the frozen form was barely recognizable as anything at all.

In sum, negative words make splintered, scattered water crystals. Positive words create lovely, well formed & balanced crystals.

Dr. Masaru Emoto's "Love" Water Crystal

Let's put it all together.

And here’s my kicker: we’re at least 50% water. The simple act of showing, let alone feeling, positive or negative words, affects how water reacts. Let me re-emphasize: we’re 50% water, you are half water! And water reacts to the words you show it, say to it and hear.

I take it you’re getting my drift here?

This means your self talk, the words you hear and see are more important than ever! Your own thoughts, the words of others, visual or out loud – are actively changing your body’s water composition. And being mostly water-bodies, this must affect how we feel! And it’s no wonder that when someone says “I love you” you feel good, but if you’re ignored or called a “Fool” you feel horrible – imagine what that’s doing to you physically! So take care of the words you expose yourself too, not only for the listener in you (read more about that here) – but for your physical health’s sake, too!

Oh! And you affect others, too!

Are the words you use to yourself, the words you hear, the words you read, the words people around you say, the music you listen to, the environment in which you live – creating glorious, energized water in your body, therefore wonderful feelings inside? Or the opposite? And if someone was to capture your glass of water after you spoke to other people, and froze it – what crystals would it form?

Throw Melissa out with the bath water, or keep her?

So do you think I’ve gone too far with this, with my thoughts about what water does for you emotionally? Do you think water is just a coincidental material and form of sustenance for our highly liquid bodies? Or can you see the connection between how your words can indeed impact how you feel – not only emotionally, but physically – through the fact that water is impressed by them?

Let me know what you think – am I safe for another blog post, or are you throwing me out with the bath water?  Please comment below, I’d love to hear your thoughts! ❤

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15 thoughts on “What do water, snowflakes and you have in common?”

  1. Mya-Lia Sharizyn

    It makes a lot of sense, it explains why I feel the things I do in my body from the words that people say. Absolutely. I have his books, too. In fact, I bought three of them after watching this video that you made the first time. I saved this page in my folder and just watched it again. Now I’m going to get the books back out and look at them again.

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by again Mya-Lia, and yes – it’s amazing isn’t it! That’s wonderful you have Dr. Emoto’s book! They are so fascinating 🙂 Thank you again for taking the time to comment, big love 🤗💗

  2. Still wonder if those lyrics are positve :
    First things first
    I’ma say all the words inside my head
    I’m fired up and tired of the way that things have been, oh ooh
    The way that things have been, oh ooh
    Second thing
    Second, don’t you tell me what you think that I can be
    I’m the one at the sail, I’m the master of my sea, oh ooh
    The master of my sea, oh ooh

    I was broken from a young age
    Taking my soul into the masses
    Write down my poems for the few
    That looked at me took to me, shook to me, feeling me
    Singing from heart ache from the pain
    Take up my message from the veins
    Speaking my lesson from the brain
    Seeing the beauty through the

    You made me a, you made me a believer, believer
    (Pain, pain)
    You break me down, you build me up, believer, believer
    I let the bullets fly, oh let them rain
    My luck, my love, my God, they came from
    You made me a, you made me a believer, believer

    Third things third
    Send a prayer to the ones up above
    All the hate that you’ve heard has turned your spirit to a dove, oh ooh
    Your spirit up above, oh ooh

    I was choking in the crowd
    Living my brain up in the cloud
    Falling like ashes to the ground
    Hoping my feelings, they would drown
    But they never did, ever lived, ebbing and flowing
    Inhibited, limited
    Till it broke up and it rained down
    It rained down, like

    You made me a, you made me a believer, believer
    (Pain, pain)
    You break me down, you built me up, believer, believer
    I let the bullets fly, oh let them rain
    My luck, my love, my God, they came from
    You made me a, you made me a believer, believer

    Last things last
    By the grace of the fire and the flames
    You’re the face of the future, the blood in my veins, oh ooh
    The blood in my veins, oh ooh
    But they never did, ever lived, ebbing and flowing
    Inhibited, limited
    Till it broke up and it rained down
    It rained down, like

    You made me a, you made me a believer, believer
    (Pain, pain)
    You break me down, you built me up, believer, believer
    I let the bullets fly, oh let them rain
    My luck, my love, my God, they came from
    You made me a, you made me a believer, believer

    So should I continue listen to it? Thanks for your help!

    1. Hi Ovi, thanks for your comment! Regarding the lyrics, you should ask yourself that question and not me 🙂 Ask yourself, do feel inspired, happy, positive, uplifted when listening to it? Whether yes or no, there’s your answer 🙂 Follow your heart xo #biglove

  3. This is well written and very true.
    I read a medical post on this subject a while back. It still boggles my mind. We are so intertwined with not only our emotions, but with each other, and the energy of the earth. it explains how positive thinking works and how if we continue to pay more attention to it…we can change the world. Imaging if we treated our oceans, lakes and served hot coffee/teach to each other with love? wow.

    In the meantime…Positive snow flake/ball fight! 😉

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave this wonderful feedback ktcatpaws! It boggles my mind too, and I just love it! And I agree with you completely – we can change the world – for we are the change already 🙂 Big love to you my friend! Namaste ❤

  4. Thank you for the outstanding presentation! Thank you for wisdom shared.

    May I suggest one listen to the audio presentation along with reading the text? By doing so, one can feel the passion of the presenter well beyond the written word. It is her lovely voice and uplifting spirit that captivates and excites the imagination. Listening with one’s heart encourages empathy and greater understanding. May one truly listen to the voice of others. For you will hear your voice in theirs.

    And so, as best one is able, may one immerse one self in beauty * peace ~ love and all things good <3. To do so is a sacred act of compassion which resonates within and throughout all that is seen and unseen. For all that is, in essence, Is one.

    Water is Life * Life is Love * LOVE LIFE? LOVE WATER! <3

    Thank you again, dear Natural Healer!

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave your thoughts & feedback Bradley! Your thoughtful & wise words have warmed my heart and brought a smile to my face! Very, very kind! Big love to you my friend! ❤ Namaste, xo

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