Being a spiritual being is, well, just what you are. How to live a spiritual life isn’t so much a question as it is a re-discovery.
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There are a lot of glorious teachers, courses, and books out there, who give amazing advice on how to live a more spiritual life in a day and age where results, success and “things” take precedence over living without expectations, recognising your self worth, and reveling in the acceptance for what is (as opposed to being in pain over what isn’t).
Be the real you.
Unless you want to, you don’t need to meditate for 8 hours a day, or do mind-boggling stretches like a seasoned yogi, or pretend to be humble when you are quite proud of an accomplishment, or chastise yourself over and over again when you make a mistake.
That’s not what living a spiritual life is about. This moment, right here, right now, is all about being who you really are. And when I say “be who you really are”, please remember that this isn’t about mental or physical perfection, it’s not about living a life of judgement. It’s about living life, being aware, accepting, and doing better – if you feel you need to – in the very next moment.
I’d like to compare ourselves to the weather, which exists and transforms in constant motion trying to find balance on this planet. So, sometimes you’re a full blown cold winter night (not wanting to come out of your shell), while other times you’re all sunshine and warmth (singing and laughing like there’s no tomorrow). Sometimes you’re a destructive tornado, while other times you’re a nourishing spring shower.
The real you, like the weather, changes from moment to moment. But we have one great advantage over our earthly weather: we get to pick the next season we move into.
Tips on getting spirituality into your daily life.
So, how do we accept this and start living a spiritual life, instead of just reading about it, or watching it on TV?  Follow these simple steps, which I do everyday, to be on your way:
- Don’t pretend, be the real you. I believe Oscar Wilde said it best when he said, “Be yourself, every one else is taken“.
- Take notice of any negative emotion that arises in you and ask yourself, “Why am I feeling this way?“
- Be honest and take responsibility for your own feelings. Someone may have cut you off on the road, but it is you who is carrying your anger, not them.
- Reflect on the moment, especially if that moment didn’t produce happiness or love. Ask yourself, “Why did I act or react that way?“
- Don’t judge, just accept you did your best (even if it was pretty poor!) and say to yourself, “I will do my best to handle that better next time I have the chance“
- Move on. And remember that in the very next moment of life, you can change for the better.
That’s not hard, now is it?
Sure, it might be difficult to remember each step, but this isn’t about perfecting some system to become the Head Guru of All Things Spiritual. In my opinion, life is all about experiencing love and happiness every moment we possibly can — isn’t that what we’re all constantly striving for anyway? Regardless of if you’re in pursuit of a icing-covered donut or your higher self in meditation, it’s about attaining happiness.
So whether you do all or just one of the tips above, it doesn’t matter. What matter is that you recognise that living a spiritual life isn’t something you learn. It’s something you’re constantly discovering.  I love you my kindred spirits. Namaste, Melissa xo
Your teachings are always simple and easy to understand…and straight to the point. I will appreciate if your audio recordings could be given more volume, so that we can also listen while reading as well. Thanks.
Hi Tunde, thank you so much for taking the time to leave that sweet comment. With regards to the audio volume, have you tried to adjust the volume on the Audioboom player itself, and on your computer? Let me know if that helps 🙂 I hope you are wonderful my friend, Namaste xo Melissa