Hit a roadblock? Questions to ask so you can truly heal.

Hit a roadblock?

There may be times when you feel you’re doing everything right with your energy healing efforts, yet it seems you’ve hit a roadblock.

What’s going on? Well, it’s very important to remember that there is more than a single component to truly heal.

You are a deep, multi-faceted being.

We are more than a one dimensional being. It took more than a single thing for us to be here, it takes more than one thing to live our lives, and so it will take more than one thing to truly heal ourselves.

And whilst energy healing is incredibly effective – no matter how subtle (because it does always influence, even at a quantum level) – we cannot overlook those other components which play a factor in our everyday lives.

Ask yourself...

What am I eating and drinking that could be contributing to how I feel? Am I not eating enough fresh, whole foods? Am I not drinking enough clean water?

What am I missing in my exercise routine that would help my body heal? Am I not moving enough? Do I need to stretch or strengthen more?

What am I doing that’s increasing my stress levels? Am I not getting enough restful sleep? Am I not taking enough time to unwind?

Then make the effort.

Energy healing works! But if you do negative things to your Spiritual House which work against your positive efforts – your energy healing will produce smaller, more short-term results.

So if you suffer from migraines, doing things like self healing, meditation and Hand Mudras, will help you with relief. However, they won’t be as long-lasting, or strong if you don’t look to find the root cause of the problem.

Ask yourself, what are you consuming or doing everyday that could be triggering your headaches? Caffeine? Long screen time causing eye strain? Medications? Diet? Some other factor?

Whilst simple, I know this can be overwhelming, because you’re so sick and tired of being so sick and tired!

Just start small.

Add one of these elements to your existing routine and see how you feel.

  • Add a short micro-meditation into your lunch break.
  • Add a 5-minute stretching routine in the morning just after you wake up.
  • Add a serve of fresh fruit and vegetables to your plate everyday
  • Surround yourself in a calm environment.
  • Wear or use healing crystals like these that uplift your spirit.

Are you truly willing to give up what makes you sick?

As Hippocrates said: Before you heal someone, ask him if he’s willing to give up the things that make him sick.

If you resonate with my musings today, David R. Hamilton’s book “How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body might be of interest to you! (If you’re in Australia, you can grab a copy here!)

Whether it’s for yourself or for your ability to help others others, I challenge you to ask yourself the questions above.

Then make positive a change for your greatest and highest good.

As you make these little improvements more and more, I know you’ll be surprised to see how effective your energy healing efforts – even just the powerful energy of your smile – will be on your life.

Always follow your heart. #biglove to you all

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52 thoughts on “Hit a roadblock? Questions to ask so you can truly heal.”

  1. Thank you for giving me more things to work towards. I do understand that it is a process because these are life changes and should not be too much all at once. I have learned the hard way about that. Again thank you

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by Dawn, and you are most welcome! It’s truly such an honour to help and be a small part of your journey! Take your time, keep following what feels right – and big love to you! x

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